this week has been awesome. We had a baptism for margie on saturday and elder
thomas and I are STAYING TOGETHER FOR ANOTHER TRANSFER! :D were super excited.
we just got a new ward mission leader this sunday and hes awesome. he has a lot
of good ideas for finding more people for us to teach. Ward council still makes
me upset. We have a lady that might be interested in coming to church and she
has a 14 yr old daughter. youth conference is coming up and we suggested to get
a form for her so she can go. Then the young womens PRESIDENT goes "no, i cant
deal with that right now" elder thomas and i were so upset. so we took a form to her anyway, and had her fill it out. The whole time were
like really? a youth wants to come to a huge activity and you dont want her to
because you dont want to put the piece of paper in a folder? Then, a recent convert is coming up on her year mark and we suggested for
her to get signed up for temple prep and she just got called to primary. Well
the primary PRESIDENT says, no i need her in primary, she cant go to temple
prep. WHAT THE FREAK MAN!!! its not like random people, these are the AUXILLARY
PRESIDENTS of each group that arent letting people in the ward progress. then
they wonder why theyve struggled for baptisms and retention. ugh! so
this is what we deal with. ugh.......!
anyways! thats way sweet that dad
got called to that calling. Im going to send a package home for him when i can
and a letter. :) tell him i love him and happy birthday grandpa!
thanks for sending the
package, i cant wait. i love you guys!!

Monday, April 23, 2012
Sunday, April 8, 2012
March 26, 2012
Ive loved these past 6 months a lot. Im almost done with the book of mormon and ive learned a lot from it. Ive actually studied it. 90% of the stuff ive learned makes life understandable and easier. as far as my future outlook on it goes. there was a leadership meeting for the mission this last thursday and Im not in leadership but i got invited to go. Im really glad i did. It was AWESOME!!! I actually understand my purpose as a missionary now and im trying really really hard to be better, because afterwards i felt like crap because i hadnt been doing all the things they had been talking about. Like making companion and personal study sacred. Praying for investigators, teaching by the spirit, focusing on the purpose of numbers rather than just getting them. It makes more sense. theres speculation that the younger missionarys that got asked to come will probably be in leadership positions in the reno mission, but who knows. But, elder liedecker (mtc companion) and elder mochi
(i cant spell his full last name) were there too, and theyre both amazing missionaries. We aspire to serve with one another. haha. But afterwards i was just super pumped to go out and find people. In this past week weve gotten 6 new investigators, 1 is a family of 4 that hopefully will start letting us teach them and 1 is a girl that has been saying she wants to get baptized like now!! im lke WHAT THE FREAK!!!! why havent we been teaching her? and the family thats close to her is like, she has family problems we dont want to ask her yet. we talked to bro hasting (ex stake prez and ward missionary) last night and hes like, ill go over there with you guys and well talk to them. so basically were gonna teach her and help her out. so yah. exciting stuff happening.
I gave a talk at an 8 yr olds baptism and im like, what the heck am i gonna talk about? so i compared baptism and partaking of the sacrament to super mario. haha. it was hilarious. but i liked it, so whatever. I dont even know the kid, but he wanted a missionary. Other than that, its been good. For the first time on my mission im physically energized and emotionally and spiritually drained... Emotionally because my roomate (zone leader) needs to stop whining all the times about the changes that president nieder is putting together and start sustaining our leaders and I bore my testimony a couple weeks ago at a district meeting about if you dont have a desire to serve god then go home.
I didnt come here to complain so if they are they can leave, we dont need people like that. jefferey r holland said it, if you dont have a desire, then stop waisting gods time and leave. After that an elder in our zone went home because he missed his girlfriend or something stupid like that. Everyones like good job nonu you made him go home (jokingly).
anyways. :) Im having fun, vegas is ghetto and ill probably never come back here again, unless i see people i really love. Thats the update!
oh and mike is getting baptized on the 7th!!!! :D yay!!!
oh and for my birthday, i want to buy a new pair of oakleys because its sunny and dusty here and potentially an ipod shuffle (the ones with the touch screen) because if were not outside weve got music playing around the house and its nice to fall asleep to. They also have watch bands that you can put your ipod into and make it into a watch and stuff. Ask keana, shell know. And thats honestly about it. I guess i could use more garments. other than that im content with my surroundings.
(i cant spell his full last name) were there too, and theyre both amazing missionaries. We aspire to serve with one another. haha. But afterwards i was just super pumped to go out and find people. In this past week weve gotten 6 new investigators, 1 is a family of 4 that hopefully will start letting us teach them and 1 is a girl that has been saying she wants to get baptized like now!! im lke WHAT THE FREAK!!!! why havent we been teaching her? and the family thats close to her is like, she has family problems we dont want to ask her yet. we talked to bro hasting (ex stake prez and ward missionary) last night and hes like, ill go over there with you guys and well talk to them. so basically were gonna teach her and help her out. so yah. exciting stuff happening.
I gave a talk at an 8 yr olds baptism and im like, what the heck am i gonna talk about? so i compared baptism and partaking of the sacrament to super mario. haha. it was hilarious. but i liked it, so whatever. I dont even know the kid, but he wanted a missionary. Other than that, its been good. For the first time on my mission im physically energized and emotionally and spiritually drained... Emotionally because my roomate (zone leader) needs to stop whining all the times about the changes that president nieder is putting together and start sustaining our leaders and I bore my testimony a couple weeks ago at a district meeting about if you dont have a desire to serve god then go home.
I didnt come here to complain so if they are they can leave, we dont need people like that. jefferey r holland said it, if you dont have a desire, then stop waisting gods time and leave. After that an elder in our zone went home because he missed his girlfriend or something stupid like that. Everyones like good job nonu you made him go home (jokingly).
anyways. :) Im having fun, vegas is ghetto and ill probably never come back here again, unless i see people i really love. Thats the update!
oh and mike is getting baptized on the 7th!!!! :D yay!!!
oh and for my birthday, i want to buy a new pair of oakleys because its sunny and dusty here and potentially an ipod shuffle (the ones with the touch screen) because if were not outside weve got music playing around the house and its nice to fall asleep to. They also have watch bands that you can put your ipod into and make it into a watch and stuff. Ask keana, shell know. And thats honestly about it. I guess i could use more garments. other than that im content with my surroundings.
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