Nevada Reno
MARCH 5, 2012
i just got the package today. i love everything.
good to hear about your class though, im sure they appreciate the treats. im sure their parents do too. ha
thanks for putting the money in my account too. honestly not a whole lot has gone on this week. no cool stories or anything. I guess its just normal life now. aha. the only thing is actually pretty big. ill send the email from president to you guys also, but our mission is getting split up. Theres going to be the reno nevada mission now. you can go on lds church news and look up new missions and you can see a map. but theres a chance that i might be sent to the reno mission and serve the rest of my time there. id be really close to home now. haha. its a really big deal. i guess the work in nevada is growing a lot so they need 3 missions now. we lost most of our mission. we basically just have part of vegas and then the south of our mission from there. so yah. crazy. other than that nothings going on really. same things as every week. transfers are coming up in a week i hit 6 months on the 7th and i really hop e i keep my companion as is.
love ya!!!
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